søndag 1. september 2013


W. E. Dancker-Jensen var en jernbane legende i Danmark, og en sann norgesvenn. I et brev til Flåmsbanemuseet på midten av 90-tallet, forteller han om en tur med Flåmsbana. Som alltid på sine reiser hadde han fotoapparatet med seg. I bilder beskriver han denne spennende turen, der han fikk oppleve et stort snøras ved Kårdal hpl.

Den 23. juli 2011 gikk W. E. Dancker-Jensen bort i en alder av 90 år. 

Han skriver følgende om denne dagen i 1962:

Foto: W.E. Dancker-Jensen

Søndag 15. april 1962, reiste jeg med tog 1889 fra Myrdal stasjon. Toget hadde en forsinket avgang fra Myrdal, p.g.a. mange reisende som hadde gått på ski der og som skulle returnere til Flåm.


Turen gikk som vanlig til vi kom til Nåli tunnelen. Inne i tunnelen kjørte vi svært sakte, og da vi kom frem til tunnelmunningen ved Kårdal hpl, kom vi ikke lengre.

Foto: W.E. Dancker-Jensen

Det var kommet et stort snøras like utenfor tunnelmunningen.

Foto: W.E. Dancker-Jensen

Foto: W.E. Dancker-Jensen

Foto: W.E. Dancker-Jensen

Snøen lå meterhøy over skinnegangen - og vi sto fast.

Foto: W.E. Dancker-Jensen

Det ble gjort en fin innsats fra NSB med rydding av raset.


Det ble en spesiell opplevelse, men som alltid hadde jeg fotoapparatet mitt med. Et nytt tog kom fra Flåm og hentet oss. Vi kom svært seint ned - men frem kom vi.

W. E. Dancker-Jensen.

Arkiv: Svein Olav Haukedal

tirsdag 6. august 2013


          Dagsavisen:  Nina Marie Haugen, 07. september 2007


Statens 120. Høstutstilling i Kunstnernes hus

          Beuys og kunst

I årets Høstutstilling er det ETT bidrag som står seg til de grader mye sterkere enn alle de andre, og det er Camilla L Haukedals (f. 1980) videoarbeid  "To all the important people". Jeg antar at det er kunstneren selv som ved hjelp av videofikling har iscenesatt en samtale mellom seg selv og en av 1900-tallets største kunstgenier og kultfigur, Joseph Beuys. Med slagordet "enhver er en kunstner" utfordret Beuys synet på hva kunst er. Kunstneriske prosesser viste hvordan det sto enhver fritt å forme sin egen virkelighet. Beuys skapte en myte som han bygget en stor del av sin kunstproduksjon rundt, og i Camilla Haukedals samtale framstår hun selv som en ung, maktbegjærlig kunststudent som kun er ute etter nøkkelen til suksess og berømmelse idet hun ber mesteren om å fortelle eventyret hun selv kan bruke for å bli berømt. Videoverket er morsomt og samtidig en skarpsindig intelligent observasjon av både kunstproduksjon og samtidens fokus på berømmelse og stjernestatus.

       "Moving Image Festival": Anders Olofsson, 31/10-2/11)


Men festivalens fullträff är förmodligen Camilla Haukedals fingerade samtal med Joseph    Beuys om hur man blir en bra konstnär. När Beuys berättar sin legendariska historia om hur han under kriget störtade med sitt bombplan och togs om hand av nomader replikerar Haukedal storögt "men kvinnor kan ju inte flyga!".

"Vestlandsutstillingen 2008":  Camilla L. Haukedal (Ålesund/Aurland/Bergen)

"To All The Important People" (video)

Videoen tar i bruk myten rundt Joseph Beuys sin flystyrt og bruker den til å fortelle en annen historie. Jeg har ikke tatt stilling til om myten er sann eller ikke, men i mitt naive forsøk på å lære, avfortryller Beuys seg selv samtidig som han oppfyller sin rolle som læremester. Arbeidet skriver seg inn i et feministisk perspektiv. Hvilken historie, hvilken myte fremmer meg og mitt arbeid best?

ARTIST TALK.eu - 2013

Presentation summarizing ArtistTalk, a collaborative project by Museum of Transitory Art (MoTA), Ljubljana, International Centre for Art and New Technologies (CIANT), Prague and WRO Art Center with announcement of ArtistTalk Best Interview Award winners, sreening of awarded interviews, the premiere of the OUTERVIEWS book and interactive installation featuring collection of artists’ talks and statements.

Honorable Mentions:
Dalibor Martinis 1978 Talks to Dalibor Martinis 2010, 2010, 9’53’’ by Dalibor Martinis (HR)
To all the important people, 2006, 5’10’’ by Camilla L. Haukedal (NO)

Mer informasjon:

mandag 11. februar 2013


Frank Bunce

If a train in Britain consistently took, almost an hour to cover a distance of twelve miles, it would not be long before the service was discontinued and the line closed on the grounds of economy, And yet, in Norway, such a railway exists and continues to flourish in spite of the fact that this is country where, pre-war, every yard of railway track cost as much as 67 to construcht. The railway is known as the Flåm Line and is a branch of the famous Oslo-Bergen Railway which connects Myrdal, in Central Norway, with Flaam, a tiny village situated on an arm of the Sogne Fjord just twelve miles away.

Everything abouth the Flaam Line is contrary to accepted principles. Normally, a train in any country of the world takes less time to travel down a mountain valley from top to bottom than it does from bottom to top. The Flaam Line, however, is different. In travelling down from 2,800 feet at Myrdal to Flaam, at sea level, the journey takes 53 minutes, whereas the trip up the valley in the other direction is covered in only 45 minutes. This immense difference in height over so short a distance and where a maximum gradient of 1 in 18 is reached, is unique in the history of railway engineering. Incidentally, each carriage is fitted with no fewer than five independent brakes, all geared to halt the entire train in an emergensy.

Punch, The Flaam Line - 1957

Not unnaturally, the railway follows the course of the Flaam River for much of its course and, in doing so, crosses it at three points where the line swings from one side of the valley to the other. There are no bridges enabling trains to cross the river and the fording wich takes place at Blomheller and Kjosfossen, for instance, occurs actually inside the mountains. Here, the river has fashioned its own bed and runs beneath the point where the railway crosses it. Similarly, at Hoga, engeneers have constructed a tunnel in the mountainside so that the Flaam River passes under the line on this section also.

Engelsk negativ, ca 1960  -  El 8 2064 på Myrdal

The longes of the Flamm Line´s twenty tunnels occurs at Nali and is over three-quarters of a mile in length. When travelling south up the valley, the train emerges from Nali Tunnel to give an unprecedented view of the track ahead, perched precariously upon three ledges - one above the other. To the right, passengers see a fantastic road with 21 hairpin bends threading a tortuous path up the side of the mountain known as Myrdalsberget. This roadway, incidentally, was built towards the end of the last century and was designed to carry supplies and materials to assist in the construction of the Bergen Railway. At this point there are, within a distance of less than one mile, five railway tracks, and the fact that one line appears to run above the other is due to the constuction of a series of figure-eights built inside the mountain.

There are two fantastic waterfalls in the Flaamsdal - the brakneck Rjoandefoss Falls-wich thunder 400 feet down the side of the Vibmesnosi Mountain, near Lunden - and the Kjosfoss Falls on the eastside of  the track, just before entering the Bakli Tunnel. Here the train, which is already travelling slowly in order to give passengers a better view of the passing scenery, halts for several minutes on a narrow stretch of track about 100 yards long spanning the mid-way point of the roaring falls.

Vatnahalsen hpl. ca. 1960 - Foto, Turist foto/Dias

At Blomheller, nearing the figure-eight circuits already mentioned, thr Trollaskred, or Troll´s Avalanche, is a very real danger in Winter. Great falls of snow thunder down towards the railway track and are only halted by the many wooden protective snow -screens in their path. Wooden snow-tunnels, too, as in case of the Bergen Railway, are a fascinating feature of this line, for where these occur, they cover the permanent way completely, isolating them from any possibility of snow-blockage. And to reach a railway station 2,000 feet above sea level which is entirely enclosed and as dark as London Underground is an experience which many tourist never forget.

When the train emerges from the Bakli Tunnel, and the village of Vaatnahalsen is reached , its only a mile or so to Myrdal and its connection with the Bergen Railway. But for every dismounting passenger, the spell of the Flaam Line has already been cast, and the air is full of superlative descriptions of the wonders they have so recently seen.

Flaam - ca. 1960

Only one word can be said to sum it all up, and that, in the modern idiom, is - 


From The Bergen Line 

Winter Time in Norway means that the railways must have ready their snow fighting equipment. In addition to having huge rotary snowploughs at work, each individual locomotive is equipped with a small plough fitted on to its buffer beam. Our cover picture this month, by J. Allan Cash, depicts the scene at Finse Station on a winter day, two locomotives with snowploughs being visible. This station is situated on the line between Bergen and Oslo and is the highest station in Norway. It is an alighting place for winter sportsmen, and snow remains in the mountain region until July!